during our NSTP session, and our facilitator brought up this video I thought I'd share with you guys. thanks to
for uploading it on YouTube. I tabulated the 100 ways below the video and share my insights on some of them. I'll put in bold the ones I agree with and in italics for those I want to provide insights.
1. Pay attention
2. Smile - I really think this is important as a sign of reassurance for them
3. Recognize
4. Ask about them
5. Listen
6. Set limits that protect them
7. Say a lot of "yes"
8. Let them show their feelings
9. Play with them
10. Be honest
11. Give them undivided attention
12. Laugh at their jokes
13. Hug
14. Notice when they act differently
15. Show options when they seek advice - if they come to you for advice, don't shun them!
16. Notice when they are absent-minded
17. Read with them
18. Stay with them when they are scared
19. Share their discoveries
20. Share their joys
21. Send letters or postcards
22. Surprise - it's always a good way to keep them interested
23. Call just to say "hello"
24. Give them space when needed
25. Contribute to their collections
26. Talk about their dreams
27. Hold hands - reassurance by gesture ^__^b
28. Talk to them at their height
29. Tell them how great they are
30. Develop traditions
31. Listen to their favorite song together
32. Let them teach you something
33. Cherish family meals
34. Be available - I cannot stress how this will make them happy; they have your time.
35. Compliment
36. Thank
37. Hang their art work
38. Apologize
39. Keep your promises - they will remember the promise you made until you fulfill it
40. Wave and smile when saying goodbye
41. Have fun!
42. Ask for their opinions
43. Show interesting books
44. Talk about yourself
45. Encourage
46. Play sports together
47. Praise moe, criticize less
48. Be curious together
49. Introduce them to family and friends
50. Play outside
51. Help them become an expert in something
52. Admit when wrong
53. Give them a special nickname - it will make them realize how important they are to you
54. Ask for their help
55. Applaude accomplishments
56. Say you are proud
57. Always support
58. Deal with problems and conflicts
59. Trust them
60. Find a common interest
61. Be flexible
62. Value their uniquenesses
63. Let them make mistakes - they ARE humans, after all
64. Let them join in conversations
65. Nourish
66. Understand when they have a hard day
67. Respect their choices
68. Accept them as they are
69. Share adventures
70. Tolerate their interruptions
71. Inspire creativity
72. Speak openly
73. Be silly together
74. Accept their suggestions
75. Make decisions together
76. Celebrate small accomplishments, like the first day of school
77. Build something together
78. Record a message
79. Help them learn from mistakes
80. Encourage them to help others
81. Share secrets
82. Introduce them to important people
83. Tell them your expectations
84. Expect the best, not perfection
85. Respect
86. Kiss
87. Be spontaneous
88. Share a meal
89. Hide surprises
90. Tell bedtime stories
91. Visit when they are sick
92. Be consistent
93. Encourage them to be themselves
94. Dream together
95. Go to events, games and recitals
96. Visit their school
97. Help learn something new
98. Meet their friends
99. Look inside their eyes
100. Love. No matter what. Love.