More Time Together

on Friday, October 2, 2009
This is a little late to post, but might as well. Yesterday, Octobert 1, was our dear Aiba Hiroki's birthday! ^o^/ Otanjoubi omedetou~ I hope he had a great celebration on his special day! 8DDDDDDDDD
Anyway, onto the main body of this entry!!!
After so long, Kai and I were finally able to spend some much needed time together in the form of a 2-day sleepover. There were only one or two times when she slept over before if memory serves me well. The first was that night when we spent the day at Star City with some of her blockmates as required for one of her subjects back in the day. The second... escapes me.
Oh boy, what a way for my memory to fail me.
*clears throat*
But anyway, I just enjoyed the company very much. The fact that she was staying with me at my house for two days was very fulfilling. ^o^/ It really made up for the missed date we planned to have last Saturday (mind you, we were going to watch 'In My Life' xDDD) before Ondoy came and terrorized the country.
Primarily, Kai and I ended up with numerous ideas for our Fuuma Roleplay throughout the two days we were together, discussing any good scenes that we could add to continue with the plot. I get scared of our scheming minds sometimes, really. With the numerous drama scenes that we always want to integrate into our roleplays, there are times when we just come up with just the right scene for a certain point of the plot. Ah, imagination.
Yeah. And to note, there really is the small things to be happy about, but let's not dwell on that too much. Having an afternoon snack of brown banana with white sugar was immensely appetizing, especially when Kai was around. :3
This afternoon, I was able to drop her off at her relative's place since it was around the Commonwealth area, therefore could take the car to take her to her temporary place of residence.
It made me smile inwardly when she referred to my room as a comfort zone for her, and leaving it made her feel sad. Kai and I are just shy off our 1-year anniversary on November 9, but throughout the 10 months so far, there really are a lot of moments we shared in this very bedroom that I can't deny how much comfort and ease my girlfriend has in it. Leaving it, she said, made her sad somewhat, and I couldn't help but agree since I myself would be feeling that same sadness once she left.
On the car ride off to her relative's place, Kai also said that she was able to sleep better at my house than she ever could at where she was currently staying. I won't complain with her sleeping habits since in the end, I still managed to get a decent amount of sleep, if not more when she was here with me.
Yes, spending time with her like that was truly something I've wished for in a long time. I hope we have more opportunities like that in the future. ^_____^v
Sometimes, it seems that spending just a few days together in each other's company is what a relationship needs to remind you how much you love a person. Love, after all, is why you two are together in the first place.


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