So while I take a short break from reviewing for my Finals tomorrow, I wanted to make a quick entry on yesterday's events. Most prominently was the reunion with my grade school barkada. Kai was the one who organized the get-together, and it goes without saying that we're beginning to see a trend in these reunions: people are always late, we're never complete and there's always a consistency in the order which people get to the venue.
But before I go into the details of said reunion, allow me to take a little detour to discuss something else rather briefly. Alice in Wonderland. OMG. Kai and I watched it yesterday. We were about 30mins late since we were debating if we would still watch it despite having front row seats (which is bad for your neck), and ended up watching. It was my treat anyway. xD

And I've got to hand it to Tim Burton. The story was awesome and there was a great mixture of comedy, drama and subtle hints of romance. *coughIshipHatterandAlicecough* ^_____________________^
Truly awesome~ It was entertaining to recognize some of the voice talents (like Alan Rickman, Christopher Lee and Timothy Spall) as well as the cast members themselves (Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter and Anne Hathaway).
Anyway, that aside, back to the reunion! To put things simple enough, it's nice to see old friends again. xD We really need to work on punctuality and proper planning, though.
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