I seem to have been doing this a lot, but I find it a tad bit difficult to sleep lately. And while some people would scold me for that, I guess it's just because there are a couple of things that just don't want to go away. And it's not something an instrumental playing over and over will cure, either.
So what am I talking about this time? Well, I just up and realized that one day when I do travel on my own with Kai, I'd want us to escape to Japan and never come back. Harsh as that may sound, I'm semi-serious. (I talked about it briefly here in a previous entry: Japan!) Besides, I'm sure we could ask some of our friends there to help us find a place to stay - house-hopping isn't such a bad idea~ - and we'd be experiencing a culture we've admired for so long first-hand during our stay. ^^
I actually came online hoping that one of our friends would come online for a little bit. What you do with friends who have ESP, I have no idea. But I told myself I'd only be staying for 30 minutes before I tried to get some sleep again. A lot on my mind came up earlier that I burst into tears, actually. ^^;;
Well. that's about it. Happy Labor Day to everybody. Just a few more weeks of summer classes. ^^v
Posted by
10:44 PM
I was browsing through my LiveJournal account (friends only!) and realized that I had more tendency to type up an entry about any subtle happening if I was in the mood for it. Where did those days go? ;A; I wouldn't really blame school to be a factor because a number of the entries I typed up detailed events (usually conversations) that happened back in high school.
Maybe I should start trying to do that again. Make this blog as active as I could. Take some pictures here and there. ^__^ (I was inspired by the J-Actor blogs I've been following xD)
Starting right now.
Earlier the second power out happened. It's such a pain because it cuts off the conversations I have with Kai and some of my Japanese friends. Today I was chatting with Yukio. He was telling me to sleep early (he and his friends care for us that much ^^b), and I was trying to make plans with Kai for tomorrow. But the power out happened, so I wasn't really able to finish conversation with either of them. *le sigh* These power outs come in the most uncanny timing. In the middle of the night.
In two days my siblings will be having their graduation party.... and I still haven't the faintest idea of what I'm wearing to the event. What's my desired profession, anyway? Does it even have a particular type of clothing? I have no idea. Hopefully I'll think of something before Sunday. In line with that, my mom told me to prepare something to say. So I was thinking of doing that now but my brain is starting to give me a massive headache to think straight so I'll probably postpone that to tomorrow.
Procrastination must run in the family.
Here's to hoping Kai and I get to go out and watch Iron Man 2 tomorrow. ^^
(Good night~)
Posted by
5:49 PM
April 29, 2010
Power fluctuated last night. Quite frequently. And it took about an hour before power finally came back. AT QUARTER TO MIDNIGHT.
It was dark as hell around the house, and not wanting to screw my eyes even more than I already do on a daily basis staring into the illuminated screen of my laptop, I decided to just listen to music from my iPod.
After a while, I heard some other music coming from the bathroom. My sister came out from a cold shower and was playing some tunes from her iTouch.
Goes to show that when in the dark, get emo and go listen to music. xDD
On the way home from school and already along our street there was this annoying thing that happened. There were these two kids who had balloons and stuff waiting outside someone's door; a girl and a boy. The girl was ringing the doorbell while the boy was throwing pebbles into the road.
The boy, having no regard for the consequences of his actions, picked up some pebbles and threw them at the car that was passing: aka ME. They hit the windshield and the roof. No scratches or cracks, thankfully.
*mutters about stupid kids doing stupid things*
Anyway, it's finally raining!!! Not a massive downpour but a gentle steady fall of rain. I've been waiting for this all summer. It was getting too hot. @.@
And now I'm eating dinner alone. For the second night straight. *chomps on the fried chicken*
....and by tumbler I mean an actual tumbler and not a Tumblr account that is non-existent.
Let me tell you a little info about this green tumbler I owned for about 3 years. I was invited to attend a week-long Summer Camp in DLSU College of Computer Science along with a few other batchmates. It was a great time when I met quite a number of my future schoolmates in ADMU.
Now what does this green tumbler of mine have anything to do with it? Well, I earned it for receiving the Early Bird Award at the end of the camp (which was dong by voting among us campers). xD
Shallow reason but hey, it works.
But then again it's telling me to find a new tumbler. Or get airconditioning installed into my room.
I was listening to my iPod earlier since I couldn't sleep and came up with this poem. This time around you never know what I may be talking about, so I leave you all to figure it out; who I dedicated this poem to.
The Family, A Family
I knew not the day, nor even the year,
when the tears that fell held meaning.
Not of sorrow but of joy,
perhaps the first conscious effort.
Overflowing, the tears fell,
almost unexplainable.
String and woodwind duet,
accompanied with emotion and sincerity.
accompanied with emotion and sincerity.
A heavenly sound is created,
appealing to the soul.
Not a need, nor a want,
but yet I received.
At ease it brought me,
reminding me much of how to love.
The family, a family I recall,
comprised of the me that is I.
To be a daughter, or perhaps a son,
is what I want to exemplify.
To love... and love wholeheartedly,
just as sincere as the song I hear.
To the daddy and the mommy I love,
please continue to love me.
For everything that I am,
for everything that I'm not,
and absolutely everything in between.
I met with Kai today and joined the family to dinner at The Old Spaghetti House in Techno Hub. Techno Hub has these decorative balls laid out that light up the different colors at night. So Kai and I took some pictures with them and came up with these:
Of course you can't see us since we didn't use flash, but what was important was the colors. I was with the red and Kai was with the blue. ^___________^b

Shinken Red and Shinken Blue!! (two different shades) xDDD

Mojikara Power!!! ^o^/
Oh yeah. Happy graduation to my two older siblings!!!!
Hai, two days ago I had a spontaneous meeting with Kai. We went to have some yogurt at Frutti Froyo where we each had our own cup to spend on. And as usual, hers weighed more than mine. xDD
Hai, here's a picture of today's treat. A little something to make some of my friends in Japan jealous. >D
Gummy bears, oreos, and my usual repertoire of toppings on my chocolate yogurt. This reminded me not to mix gummi bears with yogurt again. It takes too much time to consume and ultimately gets the yogurt to melt. xDD
After that we went down for some Starbucks where Kai treated me to a Chocolate Cream Chip Frappucino. And her debt slowly decreases by Php145. xDD She came over to dinner as well to spend some lost time together. ^__^b
Yesterday I woke up to lunch to find that my mom had once again purchased that platter of sushi from the grocery that I always liked. And who am I to resist? Now that I think about it, I was never a big fan of maki/sushi/sashimi until that faithful day back during the preparations for the JSP Week in my freshman year.
Since then I've been open to try sushi, especially with Kai when we go to eat out at our usual Teriyaki Boy outing.
Last night was a different story. My dad had come home from Japan and brought along an authentic Japanese meal with some sushi and Futo maki. It was interesting to see them, and even more delicious tasting them for the first time. ^____^v
This makes me excited to go to Japan even more now. xDDD Wheeeeee.
Note: I hate wasabi!!! DDDDDD< *doesn't like the spiciness in my mouth* o(><)o
Everybody's got plans to go to do whatever they wanna do after college. Bum around, find a job, travel the world, join a game show, what have you. Point of the matter is, there will always be that one ideal thing that a person wants to do; individually, with somebody they love or with someone they promised to do something with.
For my bit, there's only one general idea I want to do when I graduate from college: Go to Japan with Kai!!
It's a long-term plan. There's plenty to do and people to meet! If we're really lucky we can meet our favorite actors and get to see them during their projects which we're sure to look out for while we're there! I'd very much like to meet some of the friends we've had the privilege of chatting with online like Yukio, Kazuo, Tsuyoshi, Hibiki, Toru and Koji. @u@
For now we'll settle with chatting, and hope we get to eventually find our way over to the Land of the Rising Sun together. ^__________________^v
Yesterday Kai and I went to Ozine Fest 2010. It was quite a blast, even though our costume wasn't 100% complete. ^__^
Here's a picture of us~ This year we cosplayed Sebastian and Ciel in disguise during the Jack the Ripper Arc and their visit to Viscount Druitt's party from Kuroshitsuji. Once we fix up our costumes, we'll be back to attend this year's UP AME with these same costumes. Look forward to it!!
During our walk around the con, I spotted a pair of Mix-style headphones! :D

So today I went to school to pay for my summer tuition (some 30K). I didn't really plan on anything else but that until Kai texted, asking if we could see each other today after her first day of OJT (on-the-job training) at ABS-CBN. So I thought why not.
Because there was no available parking in Teriyaki Boy, Katipunan, we relocated to SM Marikina where there was another branch that was practically empty. Ah the convenience of early dinners inside the malls. ~u~
And since it was early we suddenly decided to watch a movie. We did a coin toss since we couldn't decide between How to Train Your Dragon and Diary of a Wimpy Kid, both showing at 5pm. Diary won by the call of Kai's 25cents coin and so we purchased tickets. There weren't much people so picking a seat in the free-for-all wasn't much of a problem.
Now, I'm not all a fan of the series. I don't think I've ever read any of it sans the Do-It-Yourself book I skimmed through that I bought for Kai last January. But I definitely enjoyed watching it through.
Can't wait to pick up our costumes tomorrow afternoon! I think I'll go for a haircut tomorrow too~ ^___^b
Posted by
12:54 PM
Last Sunday was Easter Sunday. And as was tradition with our family, we had our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Candy and prizes galore~
This was one of the prizes I won this year:

This reminded me of Agri from Tensou Sentai Goseiger... whose snake was painted by Alata. xDD
Posted by
1:13 PM
I've been feeling unwell these past few days. I should really take that afternoon nap to get red of it.
And let's not forget having to take that Robitussin cherry flavored syrup and Decolgen and Strepsils. And sleep. And more sleep. Hm.
Maybe after enlistment. Just another hour.
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