
on Wednesday, July 14, 2010
演技。(えんぎ)Engi. trans. Acting.

Perhaps there was a point in time when I took an interest in the realm of the make-believe (I still do, after all). Growing up, I had on most various occasions "acted" someone I'm not alongside my two cousins on most every chance we had to spend time together during family gatherings or simply random summer days when there was nothing interesting to do. This kind of activity stimulated my imagination for writing stories, most of them never seem to find an appropriate ending as ideas continued to flood and new story lines end up being born in the process.

Running around pretending to be a secret agent who had excellent fighting skills to defeat the bad guys was the usual routine. Talking of plans to foil a plot, being injured and kidnapped took the make-believe play of Cowboys and Indians to a whole new level. Our youthful minds had matured from there, and that was perhaps where our plans of formulating Xhevix began.

[Plug-in: We're starting to compile a blogsite for this idea. You can access it here while it's still in progress!]

That, however, is not the sole point of this entry. What started as plans and writing stories, eventually evolved into the realm I find myself exposed to along with my girlfriend: the realm of ROLEPLAYING. The detail and dialogue created at the expense of constant clattering of the keys of a keyboard to formulate a scene and spark interaction among the characters involved is just the thrill of roleplaying that never ceases to amaze me. All the unknown possibilities.

Kai and I have been doing this since a little before we officially became a couple back in 2008. The understanding of the characters and their personalities to 'act' accordingly to the plots that come off of our heads create the most intriguing of stories that I cannot fathom its appeal on those who stumble upon reading our work. We may never truly know the worth of our talents lest fans of ours - should we ever hear from them - tell us. But the humbleness of being able to do something fun and worthwhile is what we can truly afford to give.

The different genres tackled prepare us for something even bigger, I would think. Roleplaying is, as I've always believed it to be, a method by which we can act through our choice of words. If we can pull off a feat spectacularly by manner of our roleplaying..... that would be a most extravagant feat to behold.

That being said, I don't think I'd mind trying out that line of work. Be it acting, radio-drama, or roleplaying much like what Kai and I do to get away from the world, I would like to think that the possibility exists.


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