写真と楽しい。(しゃしんとたのしい)Shashin to Tanoshii. trans. Photography and Fun.
Kai and I went to Eastwood since she needed to take some shots with her camera. I decided that we go to eat at Jack's Loft for dinner before having to go out and point and click. It wasn't drizzling so we managed to go out and walk around, giving Kai an opportunity to take the shots she needed. And of course I decided to take some pictures as well with Ree my digicam~
After that was said and done we headed off to the arcade for some night time fun! Sung some fun karaoke, went racing and air hockey and some Tekken 6 button-mashing goodness. But what took the cake was that I was lucky enough to get Kai at Flip Flop solar-powered swaying pig from that game contraption whose name I forgot.
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