on Saturday, February 26, 2011
New haircut! Shorter in length and depth (because my hair is massively thick when let alone to grow), haha!
on Thursday, February 24, 2011
Hey everybody! Sorry for the lack of updates this time around. Deadlines left and right, and TO TOP IT ALL OFF!!

Hypersensitivity Reaction to Alaxan last Monday! T~T

My parents rushed me to three different hospitals (New Era, Capitol and St. Luke's), assuming to confine me to get medicine injected into me but at our last stop I was prescribed oral medication instead so I could go home. 8D Yei~ But while I was St. Luke's they were quick and gave me this standard hospital bracelet I wore for a few days while I was resting at home.

And today, I was lucky to get the sort of grand prize of our organization's week-long project Yummiest Bytes: a 4GB USB!!!! 8DDDD Yei~
on Thursday, February 17, 2011
Guh I'm tired. @.@
School stuff never ceases to get me busy. Oh well.
on Monday, February 14, 2011

Spent the latter half of the day with my beloved Kai. On the way to see her I got her a rose, a bunny keychain and some Goya white chocolate. :D Ended up spending the afternoon at her place and having some Johnny's fried chicken!

Yum yum yum~

It was a good day too. :)
on Sunday, February 13, 2011
Apologies for having been unable to post this past week. There were just a lot of sidetracks that happened so huhuhu.

The week's gone by with school stuff left and right; not to mention quite a load of family matters this weekend. Yesterday we visited Gramps and Grandma at the cemetery for the afternoon. Some fun fun stuff happened while we were there. :P I had fun taking pictures of my cousin Dabz and my nephew Tristan.

on Sunday, February 6, 2011
It's been a while since I've watched Fuma no Kojiro. It's nice to see them all again; it'll help me put a more vivid face to the image of my mind's eye. :D
on Saturday, February 5, 2011
Just came from dinner out at Teriyaki Boy, Gateway with Kai tonight~ And I finally got my hands on my Orange Card!! After nearly 3 months! TuT

I came home and lo and behold; A WORKING TV!!!! It's been years since I've had one working so it's good. I think I'll go and steal a DVD player from downstairs to watch my stuff there. :D It'll be a new experience watching things on the TV screen I think. 
on Friday, February 4, 2011
Friday seems to be a lazy day for everyone. Me included, although my day was more active than lazy when it came to commuting. Then again this whole week I was without a car going to school so the increase of the Jeepney fare was not something I got to avoid this week. Oh well.

Spent a hearty lunch at KFC with Kai then went to her house to rest up for the afternoon. Soft beds FTW. ~u~ Then commuted home to catch the last jeep that crossed Commonwealth, thank goodness.
on Thursday, February 3, 2011
So today I was invited to tacos (yes, tacos) by my girlfriend after our 3-4:30pm classes. She and her thesismates had just finished their thesis defense and wanted to celebrate. So three of them - excluding the fourth member for reasons disclosed - decided to have a little get-together at one of the houses for tacos. xD

It was a funny thing because Kai's groupmates were the one who invited me so I feel involved in some way so yay~ Spent the afternoon having tacos and drinking Coke and playing Angry Birds on the PC until around 7-ish when we came here to the house.

Rested a bit before taking Kai home. It's these spontaneous outings that are good, I think. :)
on Wednesday, February 2, 2011
This month I decided to kick the alternative Japanese titles since it was beginning to become a hassle opening GoogleTranslate to get the job done. So hehe.

Finally back in my own little space! Slept over at Kai’s place last night since I joined her and her mom do their grocery shopping at SM Marikina and to dinner at Max’s Restaurant.

Mmmmmmm CHICKEN. But guh I think I ate so much! Ate lunch at Teriyaki Boy, then had a slice of Shakey’s pizza during PolSci and then dinner.

But yes, happy happy.

Slept over at their place since it was dark and I didn’t think I’d make the commute home for reasons of past experiences (like my phone going MIA).