Last Tuesday during my 7.5 hour break, I decided to treat my fellow labmates to a pizza dinner; a rare treat since I never really was in the habit of doing that kind of stuff unless it was important. In exchange, they got me a nifty birthday cake, so it was a great early celebration~
This weekend is going to be busy since I can relax from all the schoolwork, having a lighter load than most weekends so far, both days practically booked. Tomorrow I plan to spend the day with Kai, go out for lunch, attend an event in the afternoon then dinner out. Then she'll be sleeping over since I have my birthday party the following day with the extended family and some friends. ^o^/
Finally, my fangirling for Shirota Yuu returned while I finally stumbled upon the song he sang with Backstreet Boys' Howie D entitled 'If I Say'~ It was released two months ago but it's still as epic as hell! \*o*/ You can listen to it below~
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