Birthday Celebrations + Shirota Yuu

on Friday, December 2, 2011
So yesterday I had my birthday. My 21st. Much like most birthdays that fell on a weekday, I went to school, was greeted by some friends, classmates and teachers before going to dinner with family. Lunch was reserved to be spent with Kai, but she was plagued by sickness so we postponed for the weekend.

Last Tuesday during my 7.5 hour break, I decided to treat my fellow labmates to a pizza dinner; a rare treat since I never really was in the habit of doing that kind of stuff unless it was important. In exchange, they got me a nifty birthday cake, so it was a great early celebration~

This weekend is going to be busy since I can relax from all the schoolwork, having a lighter load than most weekends so far, both days practically booked. Tomorrow I plan to spend the day with Kai, go out for lunch, attend an event in the afternoon then dinner out. Then she'll be sleeping over since I have my birthday party the following day with the extended family and some friends. ^o^/

Finally, my fangirling for Shirota Yuu returned while I finally stumbled upon the song he sang with Backstreet Boys' Howie D entitled 'If I Say'~ It was released two months ago but it's still as epic as hell! \*o*/ You can listen to it below~


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