Since it's been almost 10 days since my last post I think this deserves a picture to brighten it up a little. So believe you'll find a picture I snapped with Saeki some hours ago during the onset of my paper-writing cramming session. As usual, the class of Philosophy, when you're under someone like Father Luis David is no easy feat. As much as I have every right to say "I'm used to it" or "there's not need to panic" I still find myself procrastinating until the day before to cram everything in. And much like previous experiences with needing to output a hefty amount of pages as was the case last year, I panicked.
But thankfully I came home early enough to start, and finished just a few minutes ago, so I'm waiting for everything to print itself before I can hit the sack and wake up 2 hours later to hand the damn thing in. In some aspect of all this, I don't mind pooling in the effort. I mean yes, I could have given much more (I only went 2 pages beyond the minimum) but decided not to. Why? Because my mind has been on migraine-high these past two days I'm not understanding why. Dx
In any case, the end goal is nearly there. 3 more weeks of academics! Here's hoping I don't fuck anything else up along the way -knocks on wood- else I sacrifice my being able to graduate on time. Fucking hell, don't let that be the case. (><)
I've got a mock defense to prepare for later today so here's hoping it goes well. Jason and I are pretty much done with everything, so all that's left is to revise the paper and prepare for the final defense and we're home-free! Fingers crossed we get accepted into PCSC; it's always nice to be getting another publication and adding more stuff to my accumulating resume. xD
So with that, I bid you all good morning!
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