Doctor Who Party

on Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Last July 19, Kai and I attended a Doctor Who Party. Why? No particular reason. I guess you could say that it was a way we could appease our curiosity and interest of meeting up with other Whovians. Admittedly, I haven't been as immersed in the series as the rest of those who attended. They are hands down some of the timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly bunch of hardcore Whovians I've chanced upon meeting.

But I guess in some way, it's a self-boost to try and watch more of the series to better understand everything, especially with the onset of the 12th Doctor, Peter Capaldi and the exit of Matt Smith.

So let's get back to the party a little bit. To mine and Kai's convenience, the venue was doable, hence our confirmation of attending said party. Where? The Residences at Greenbelt which, ironically, sits just a few minutes walking distance from my office! It was a little "social hall" or function room, which was quaint but spacious enough to shelter at least 50 people for a few hours to have some fun (which we did). So in a way the space was perfect for a get-together.

To prepare for the occasion, I dressed up a bit with a little crossover-inspired wardrobe: grey Chucks to represent the 10th Doctor, a bowtie for the 11th, and a trench coat that reminded people of the 1st Doctor. Paired with my 11th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver, I couldn't possibly get lost at the party! The trench coat was actually recycled from my Sebastian Michaelis cosplay a few years ago, so I'm just happy it still fit me the way it did. 

Of course I wouldn't be the only one in "costume" at the party! We had ourselves a nice round of Elevens present, a stray Tenth, a Queen Victoria, some Rose Tylers and some Donna Nobles. And a Tardis!

And yes, there was a Sherlock present! Meet my friend Vinni (right). He's got a british accent down pat, mostly because he reads lots of Shakespeare out loud it's fun.

Since there was a Tenth and Eleventh doctor present, I bugged them into recreating this scene Vinni showed me on his phone with their Sonic Screwdrivers. Thanks to Dan (left) and Adrian (right) for obliging my request! Not as accurate, but so worth it!



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