3DS - Layton vs Wright

on Wednesday, December 10, 2014
A couple of years back before the 3DS was released, stories were circulating about an upcoming game that would be made particularly for the new console -- Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright. Now, I was quite a fan of the Ace Attorney series, and a bit of a newbie in the Layton world having barely scraped the surface of the first game on the DS, but I enjoy myself a good puzzle.

It was a calling to get a new console and retire the old DS. This was on my wishlist last year that my parents had gotten for me, but it wasn't until 8 months after the localized version of the game was going to be released.

The story itself was a very unique one, which made it seem that the crossover was just as feasible given the nature of their work and gameplay. The incorporation of both aspects of the style that best suited the overall experience (ie. taking the easier travel method by AA, hint coins used for both the PL puzzles and AA cases). It was solid, and I daresay quite brilliant, and Shu Takumi-san has indeed outdone himself. I have no qualms of revisiting Labyrinthia to experience it a second and third time. :)


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