I've probably been stressing my body out since the second semester of my freshman year ever since I joined the LS Tennis Club and got busy with the clinic and club sessions. But hey, tennis is a sport I want to improve at, so what the heck.
To add to a previous entry of mine concerning Badminton (self-titled entry found here) is a little event I got myself into today. What I failed to mention is that I scheduled my PE at 7-8 in the morning under Coach Vargas. Coincidentally, he handles an 8-9 badminton class for the boys. I've developed a habit lately of waiting for my blockmate Gie to get out from her 8-9 Wushu PE class at the covered courts.
Earlier, I was merely watching a doubles rally of people from the other class before I heard Coach Vargas calling me and asking if I still wanted to play. I agreed and found out that he set me up to play with Ernie, a former classmate of mine from my Fil 10 and Fil 12 classes, who was now taking up badminton under the coach. I ended up playing two matches with Ernie and another guy from the class against the same opponents, which was, sad to say, a pretty bad defeat. ^___^;;; Oh, the level of play these aggressive boys have. Well, one of them really does have talent, so I won't complain.
After everything, Coach Vargas told me that if I wanted to play with his second class, I was free to do so; so that my workout spanned two hours, which was something I didn't mind at all. In fact, I welcomed the invitation. I guess that's another thing to look forward to. Too bad this Wednesday is a non-working holiday.
This month of August will hurt my PE days a lot, though.
August 19 - Quezon City Day (a Wednesday)
August 31 - National Heroes' Day (a Monday)
*shrugs* Howell.
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