Yesterday during our lab time, we were tasked to simulate a taillight problem with the use of an integrated circuit, some wires, and breadboards embedded into this fancy device that had switches and LEDs. xD
Electronics, as I find it, is quite the interesting field to delve into once in a while. I guess that was partially why I excelled in my Learning Advancement Program (LAP) for Physics in my 4th year with Sir Resty and implementing logic gates and stuff. ^__^b
So it became an easy task of doing the exercise that only took us about an hour to finish with plenty of time to spare. You might think of this as my forte as long as I knew what needed to be done. ^___^v
So it became an easy task of doing the exercise that only took us about an hour to finish with plenty of time to spare. You might think of this as my forte as long as I knew what needed to be done. ^___^v
I'll update this blog with some pictures of the finished wiring a group picture of my groupmates and I with it. xD
EDIT: Below are the pictures~
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