I guess this is a good time to make a photo journal entry for a change, since I have more pictures to serve as my stories today. ^___________^
So today I accompanied my mom and grandpa to the mall for some last minute shopping. Thankfully I got to get a nice pair of light brown contact lenses that I can use when I go back to playing futsal. ^__^ Less hassle with the eyewear, at least.

Also, last Saturday, Kai and I got to meet up to attend the Cyberzone Cosplay Tour in SM Marikina, and we decided to go as the Silver Pair from Prince of Tennis: Shishido Ryou and Ootori Choutaro. ^_____^ Since we didn't really enjoy much of the con, I just decided to take this picture of us still in costume at my place. xD
While we were there at SM Marikina, we got to purchase a few things for one another for Christmas. 8DD Aside from the cross pendant for my Choutaro cosplay, Kai got me a German Sheppard puppy stuffed animal from Blue Magic we named Doori, shown below.
I, on the other hand, got her two of the cutest stuffed animals I've seen. Mibu and Kouu, from Blue Magic and Watson's respectively. Mibu is on the left in the picture below, while Kouu is the one on the right. We debated what kind of animal Mibu was, but he was just so darn cute not to purchase~ And note that Kouu is a bear in a tiger costume, and you can pull down the hood. 8DD
Merry Christmas everybody!!
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