螳螂。(かまきり)Kamakiri. trans. Praying Mantis.
木曜日の午後。(もくようびのごご)Mokuyoubi no Gogo. trans. Thursday Afternoon.
Today Kai and I went out after our classes to watch The Last Airbender at Gateway. Been a while since I commuted around and I must say I've missed it. I would have taken pictures of the day but my dad held my camera hostage these past few days and only returned it this evening.
Anyway, we watched the 5:10 showing and so ate some Reyes Barbecue and did some KTV at Timezone to pass the time. Ah, songs like 'I Drive Myself Crazy', 'Uptown Girl', 'I'll Be' and 'Truly, Madly, Deeply' was a nice change of pace to our usual repertoire of songs. If only there were songs from our favorite artists or from TeniMyu. *sigh*
This weekend we'll be spending time together! I'm helping her with her prelims for school by acting in her short film~ ^o^/
ガシャポン。(がしゃぽん)Gashapon. trans. Capsule Toy.
Today the family went out for dinner to celebrate mom's birthday, so we went to TriNoma. Stopping by Toy Kingdom to buy little Tristan a gift, I was browsing about until I passed by the Gashapon area and spotted a familiar set of characters on display: SHINKENGER!!! Without much thought I dashed to the counter and purchased two tokens to grab myself one and out came a green one.
Tani Chiaki a.k.a. Shinken Green! I told Kai about it and she wanted one too so I went and got another one. Only to get YET ANOTHER Shinken Green! xDDD I assembled it when I got home and had some trouble attaching the left leg (stubborn Chiaki! D<) but it's done! Sadly the Shinkenmaru is so tiny and plain. xDD I predict Kai and I will start collecting this until we finish the five. xD
Why oh why was there no Shinken Gold?! ;A; /end of rant

Posted by
9:56 PM
お土産の話再び。(おみやげのはなしふたたび)Omiyage no Hanashi Futatabi. trans. A Talk of Souvenirs Again.
And I return in the evening to discuss the souvenirs from abroad. I didn't really take pictures of all of them (well, I did sans the many pairs of socks and shirts) to share, but here we go!
First to note is that my mom managed to get me the two things I asked for: the Chucks (though not the original red I wanted but awesome all the same!) and the watch!

Next to note are other bonus stuffs I received! I got two hats, one Death Note and one woolly hat for those cold chilly days/nights. I am slowly becoming accustomed to wearing hats (again) because of this new line of stuff. Cheers to variety! Very slowly I am increasing my hat collection. I think I need a new rack to hang all of them. xDD

My siblings had the opportunity to go to the Comic Con in San Diego while they were there, and my sister was kind enough to get me a Star Wars Storm Trooper plushie!! Hoorah for Star Wars! ^o^/

And then of course there's this nifty new wallet I snagged. No offense to my Death Note themed one but it was a nice wallet to pass up. @u@ Hee~

As you may notice, even the shirt I have on is new! Hoorah for new things.
Posted by
7:26 AM
家族の戻り値。(かぞくのもどりち)Kazoku no Modorichi. trans. The Return of the Family.
Yesterday I went out to dinner with Kai (and we had so many mind-boggling realizations in the process!) so naturally coming home kinda late and sleeping kinda late put me off for waking up early to tag along with my dad to pick up my mom and my siblings from the airport. ~__~
I set my alarm to about 7 in the morning but at around 5:30 or something I hear noises from the hall and footsteps ascending the stairs. They were back and I was still sleepy. But I crawled out of bed because it was my mom's birthday today, so greetings were in order! ~o~/
I ended up not going back to sleep after exchanging greetings and took a shower, heading downstairs to see the stuff they bought. And I had a couple of souvenirs from them which I'll probably share in more detail later this afternoon. My dad borrowed my camera so I'll have to make do with my webcam later on. ~o~/
So welcome welcome back family. We're going out for dinner to celebrate mom's birthday. Yei for complete family again, and goodbye using car everyday. Back to commuting I go. xP Frankly I'm happy with that. At least I can rest my leg from driving too much.
楽しみのためにパロディー。(たのしみのためにぱろぢ)Tanoshimi no tame ni Parodi. trans. Parodies for Fun.
Last night I finished watching the YouTube Premiere of a witty fan-made musical parody of the Harry Potter Series: "A Very Potter Sequel". This musical was produced by Starkid Productions and can be found, along with its predecessor, "A Very Potter Musical" and their other witty works on their YouTube Channel: StarKidPotter.
Considering I'm a Harry Potter fan and enjoy such adaptations if just for a good laugh, it was surprising that I received word of the first musical on YouTube lurking about quite late into the year when it premiered last year. But taking the time to watch through it made me realize how much of a spin-off could be made to make the world of Harry Potter that much more hilarious. With this sequel, I deem it to be a genius stupidity spectacle for ALL fans to watch. ^___________^b
While I'm not affiliated with the likes of StarKid's cast and crew, I would surely advertise their work as much as possible to people who find interest in them. They deserve the popularity, after all!
重い荷物。(おもいにもつ)Omoi nimotsu. trans. Heavy Load.
Blogging from school for the first time in a long while with my laptop no less!! ^____^b
I was expecting that I would be needing to bring Roy - my laptop - along with me everyday during my Junior year with all these projects and labs for my major classes, but I was sorely mistaken. Roy's been happily resting in the confines of my room on a table by my bed these past few weeks and it's the first time I brought him along to school.
Of course, that entails my bag being all that more heavier bringing him along but that's fine. CS152 lab deadline is fast approaching so it's no surprise that my partner Ryan and I need to finish everything before then!
As usual, it takes a while to get an internet connection around here, but Sec Walk seems like a nice reception area for the school wifi. Excellent.
I won't be having my CS123 in the afternoon (1:30-3pm) because of some Academic Convocation, so hopefully Ryan and I can finish things in that span of time. Hopefully when we do manage to finish up everything I can go with Kai to Cinemalaya in UP!
Fingers crossed. ^______________^v
黒執事の更新。(くろしつじのこうしん)Kuroshitsuji no Koushin. trans. Black Butler Updates.
Back for another Kuroshitsuji post. Today, Chapter 47 of the manga series was uploaded on MangaReader, and Episode 3 of Kuroshitsuji II was released on Anime Giant! This made my day a little bit easier on the shoulders. ~u~ Pain and disappointment are washed away!
I shall now leave you with a quote from Sebastian from the episode:
"Forsake the future, sacrifice your dreams, while stained with deep despair, elude the past, fight the reality and never relinquish your nobility. Just like that, Young Master. That is the soul I wish to consume."-Sebastian Michaelis, referring to Ciel Phantomhive, Kuroshitsuji II ep3
土曜日の夜。(どようびのよる)Doyoubi no Yoru. trans. Saturday Night.
After finally having a Saturday class today, Kai and I decided to have dinner out. But since she had class until about 6 I had time to spare and didn't really want to hang around in school anymore so heading over to Miriam and finding parking, I decided to have a light stroll. And vanity urge attacked. xDD Wiiiiiind~ ~u~
After that she ended up finishing early before we both headed to the car and decided where to eat. Originally our plan was to go to Teriyaki Boy along Katipunan for the default choice of restaurant, but having no parking had us go somewhere else: to Eastwood! ^___________^
Walking around a bit debating where to go, we (or rather I) finally decided to eat at Sizzling Pepper Steak. Kai was giddy so she actually didn't mind all the walking and preferred it. While we were at dinner it was raining pretty hard. But all the same we enjoyed our meals.
And, again, the bill was not what we expected. xDD Luckily when we finished dinner the rain was gone and we decided to look around the stalls there. Kai ended up buying me a fedora hat! 8D Hoorah~ I'm a happy camper nowz. ~u~b

It's nice to be going out on proper dates every so often when we can. I love you Kai!! ^o^/
新日本の古いレストラン。(しんいほんおふるいれすとらん)Shin Nihon no Furui Resutoran. trans. New-old Japanese Restaurant.
Kai: *sees the bill* That doesn't look like our* bill.Me: *laughs* I thought you'd say that.
*Kai and I eat out at Teriyaki Boy often and our bill reaches over Php500 most every time. So when the bill came to around Php320 earlier, we were surprised. xD
After that I took the liberty of taking them home, despite some traffic here and there. Ah lazy Fridays.
幻覚。(げんかく)Genkaku. trans. Hallucination.
The first time I heard of the song 'Hallucination' by Matsushita Yuya (who I consider my other self), it evoked quite a spur of emotions from me. This haunting ballad, I've come to realize, has become a background song for several events in my life. Just what I should expect.
To expound on the whole concept of the hallucination, perhaps, would best be described by giving you a reason for the urge of composing an entry this late into the evening. Sadly, I cannot blame insomnia. I had already shut down my laptop in retirement about an hour prior to this reboot.
The room was nearly pitch black, were it not for the corner streetlight shining dimly through the sole window. The silent humming of the electric fan swaying back and forth, as well as the noises of the traffic being carried by the wind were the only sounds to be heard.With eyes closed, the cogs of her inner mind begin to turn in thought of a possible dream to be had upon entering the realm of sleep. Various possibilities comes to mind; but as each possibility surfaced, ill thoughts stashed away in the back of her mind also re-surfaced. Until finally, tears gush out from both eyes, slowly trailing down the sides of the youth's face. Teeth clenching, the youth quickly grabs a set of dog plushies closest to her for comfort - three different kinds. She holds them close as her mind continues to throb.The ability to hear, see and feel things far away from you. A silent wish to feel comforted by a hug provided by her beloved in spite of her physical absence... A silent wish...... for true happiness.
When do dreams....hallucinations cross over into reality? When will hoping for something amount to their wish coming true? How long should one continue to hope for it?
The emotionally unstable finds herself in tears at these thoughts. But the overflowing love that she feels from both her beloved and her virtual family reassure her; allow her to endure the few hours of sleep she would soon be succumbing herself to. The love that she knows exists between her and her beloved is what puts her to bed with a soft smile etched on her lips. The thought of that, if not anything else, causes more tears to flow. But now, not of sadness, but of an indescribable feeling that somehow manages to calm her.
And slowly, the ill-mannered hallucinations that had once elicited so much doubt crawl back into the bowels of the darkness, allowing the youth to find a peaceful sleep to face the new and hopefully better day ahead.
......Third-person explanations seem to come out more dramatic than expected. So I shall leave it at that.
演技。(えんぎ)Engi. trans. Acting.
Perhaps there was a point in time when I took an interest in the realm of the make-believe (I still do, after all). Growing up, I had on most various occasions "acted" someone I'm not alongside my two cousins on most every chance we had to spend time together during family gatherings or simply random summer days when there was nothing interesting to do. This kind of activity stimulated my imagination for writing stories, most of them never seem to find an appropriate ending as ideas continued to flood and new story lines end up being born in the process.
Running around pretending to be a secret agent who had excellent fighting skills to defeat the bad guys was the usual routine. Talking of plans to foil a plot, being injured and kidnapped took the make-believe play of Cowboys and Indians to a whole new level. Our youthful minds had matured from there, and that was perhaps where our plans of formulating Xhevix began.
[Plug-in: We're starting to compile a blogsite for this idea. You can access it here while it's still in progress!]
That, however, is not the sole point of this entry. What started as plans and writing stories, eventually evolved into the realm I find myself exposed to along with my girlfriend: the realm of ROLEPLAYING. The detail and dialogue created at the expense of constant clattering of the keys of a keyboard to formulate a scene and spark interaction among the characters involved is just the thrill of roleplaying that never ceases to amaze me. All the unknown possibilities.
Kai and I have been doing this since a little before we officially became a couple back in 2008. The understanding of the characters and their personalities to 'act' accordingly to the plots that come off of our heads create the most intriguing of stories that I cannot fathom its appeal on those who stumble upon reading our work. We may never truly know the worth of our talents lest fans of ours - should we ever hear from them - tell us. But the humbleness of being able to do something fun and worthwhile is what we can truly afford to give.
The different genres tackled prepare us for something even bigger, I would think. Roleplaying is, as I've always believed it to be, a method by which we can act through our choice of words. If we can pull off a feat spectacularly by manner of our roleplaying..... that would be a most extravagant feat to behold.
That being said, I don't think I'd mind trying out that line of work. Be it acting, radio-drama, or roleplaying much like what Kai and I do to get away from the world, I would like to think that the possibility exists.
黒執事マラソン。(くろしつじまらそん)Kuroshitsuji Marason. trans. Black Butler Marathon.
With not much on my agenda today I decided to start watching through the anime of the first season of Kuroshitsuji. While it may not pass as a grand epicsauce comparison to its manga counterpart, it's still a treat to watch something worthwhile. ^____^b
Also semi-Kuroshitsuji related, at least in terms of the first musical, I finally took the time to get the rest of the songs to plug into my iPod for sweet listening. ~u~
Currently I'm waiting for episode 10 to load completely. I'm watching them here and here! 8DD Episode 9, in the midst of its hilarity and deviance from the manga plot-wise, made me tear up when Sebastian was explaining to Ciel about illusions. I wonder why...
EDIT: Here's what Sebastian said!
"The image reflected in a picture is but an illusion. However, even if it is an illusion, wishing to hold onto it is one of the hollow dreams humans have."-Sebastian Michaelis to Ciel Phantomhive, Kuroshitsuji ep9
接着時間。(せつちゃくじかん)Setchaku Jikan. trans. Bonding Time.
So today my dad and I spent some time together. We decided to check out SM North Edsa Annex since it was still under much renovation the last time we paid a visit. Since there wasn't much to buy from the grocery we'd just do the shopping there after finding a place to eat.
We tried out this Japanese restaurant we've never eaten at before called Sakae Sushi. The thing that intrigued me was that they had actual sushi belts there! 8DDD It was so awesome. The portions we ordered were quite a spread and we realized that it would have been much better - and not to mention cheaper xP - to grab from the sushi belt instead of ordering all them other stuff (like that Tekkadon --- I NEVER EVEN THOUGHT THERE WAS SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!!). Howell. Lesson learned! xDD
二十ヶ月。(20かげつ)20 Kagetsu. trans. 20 Months.
A continuation to yesterday's post because this happened yesterday! ^^ So aside from picking up Kai from school, my dad sent me on a little errand so I went to go do that before anything else. Zooming off in the accumulating traffic to pick up Kai, we headed off afterwards to Frutti Froyo because her mom didn't want her home until 7-ish in the evening. Lots of time to kill so we decided to have some yogurt.
So our usual discussion brought us to talk about several of the roleplays we were doing; after all, we get the best ideas talking to each other like this so freely. The gestures and short re-enactments of some scenes we think up of are irreplaceable memories for sure.
We stayed there until about 5:30 before heading to Shoppersville because Kai needed to buy some things, consequently purchasing a new bag of lollipops for me. Yei! ^o^/ More lollipops~ I can go back to being Hayami again. 8DD
*clears throat*
Anyway, after that, we finally decided to head back to her place. It was a leisure drive back and we arrived 30 minutes to 7pm, but that was fine in its own aspect because we got to spend some time talking before she finally got out of the car to head back into her house. ^__^ I'd say that overall it was a good day. Four more months and we'll have reached 2 years!!!! 8DDDD Can't wait, can't wait.
お土産。(おみやげ)Omiyage. trans. Souvenir.
So earlier before my CS152 class started I went online to find my mom, brother and sister all online. They all left for the US two days ago and will be there for another two weeks (the third week they'll be in Canada!). I believe it was close to midnight there in San Diego, but the time didn't really register to me when I started chatting a bit with my mom.
Before they left, she asked me what I wanted since I wouldn't be able to come along because of school restraints - yes, blame school! 8D - and the semester just starting so meh. After much thought, I asked if she could find a new pair of Chuck Taylor shoes for me. Not that I have anything against my Navy Blue low-cut pair, it's just that I think it's had enough abuse these past 7 months it needs to rest sometimes. Haha.
Apparently earlier that day they went shopping and she purchased me a pair of Charcoal hi-cut chucks. I originally wanted red but both my siblings said charcoal suited me better so meh. Hooray~ She said she'll try looking for a watch for me too - the last minute thing I asked for. Yei.
Today marks the 20th monthsary for Kai and I! ^o^/ She slept over last night and we had an early lunch (rather, brunch) at our favorite Teriyaki Boy. 8D I think I'll go and see if I can pick her up now!
Oh yes, before that, wishing our favorite Furukawa Yuuta, Tenimyu Seigaku 4th cast's Fuji Syuusuke a GREAT AND EPICAWESOMESAUCE BIRTHDAY!!!! ^o^/ ^o^/
鶏放題はすることができます。(にわとりほうだいはすることができます)Niwatori-houdai wa suru koto ga dekimasu. trans. Chicken-all-you-can.
Last Sunday my family and I had dinner out at Max's Restaurant. They were having a promo Chicken-All-You-Can, where you could have endless servings of a quarter of a chicken (either leg or breast) for an affordable Php169.00. This was our second attempt at doing so, having tried it the previous Sunday but due to a long line ended up changing dinner plans.
We did, however, have the opportunity now, having decided to change tactics and change location; going instead to a closer area that was Quezon Memorial Circle where we were able to get a table.
The carnage was intense. Bones everywhere. There were six of us feasting that evening - the family plus my brother's girlfriend HK. You could say this was the last meal we'd be having together as a family more than my mother getting promoted (or demoted in terms of workspace as she jokingly claims) since they're leaving for the States this evening.
During this epic dinner I tried something new: Juffran, a banana ketchup specialty that goes well with Max's fried chicken. You can spot a bottle of two in the picture up there.
珍味#4。(ちんみ#4)Chinmi #4. trans. Tidbit #4.
Earlier today I was browsing through some sites about the second Kuroshitsuji Musical and stumbled upon scans of a magazine on bleachasylum. Particularly this epicsauce picture of Matsushita Yuya as Sebastian:
I left it on my screen for a while before one of my classmates spotted it and asked:
TC: Trish ikaw ba yan? (Trish is that you?) *referring to picture above*Me: *snorts* No. I wish.TC: Kamukha mo without the glasses (It looks like you without the glasses)Me: *laughs* If only. xD
After my class I managed to spend some time with Kai at home for a bit. When I told her what happened I asked if I looked like Yuya and she said yes.
Kai: He's cosplaying you!Me: But I don't wear a suit! D8Kai: He'll probably tell you: "This is what you'd look like with a suit on~"Me: xDD Pfft. Kay.
Epic talks epic talks.
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