Sunday is Do Something Day

on Monday, October 25, 2010
日曜日は何に日かです。(にちようびはなにのひかです)Nichiyoubi wa Nani No Hi ka desu. trans. Sunday is Do Something Day.

So yesterday was a lazy Sunday. And just after lunch my dad asked my sister and I if we were interested in helping him revamp the website of his union, since it was kind of bland and he wasn't all that tech-savvy. So we agreed, having nothing better to do and brought down our laptops to work in the dining table.

I was in charge of coding, while my sister was in charge of the graphics stuff. It was actually interesting that I never actually learned any of this stuff in school, but more of self-study, with some help of a book I got for Christmas two years ago. xDD

It took us the whole day, but it's up and running (thanks to an already existing domain xD). Not all the pages are full of anything, but otherwise there we go. Hopefully the higher-ups like it. xP It was nothing fancy nor complicated, mind you.

This made me remember all the time in my hands coding my own website in HTML before when I was in high school. Then I got lazy and didn't bother anymore. So at least with this, I finally put my seemingly wasteful hours of coding to work.


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