昨日のイベント。(きのうのいべんと)Kinou no Ibento. trans. Yesterday's Events.
Quite the interesting day yesterday, December 27 2010. Went out with Kai to have yet another all-you-can-eat sushi buffet at Sakae Sushi in SM North Edsa Annex and spent some time afterwards going around the mall doing some little Christmas Shopping.
Sadly we forgot to take pictures yesterday which I really regret (guh), but it's the thought that counts I would say! *nod nod*
So for a late Christmas gift Kai got me a little kitty plushie from The Gift Factory! It was a cute black kitty named Jinx. Then we each got ourselves something for our Nintendo DS Lites: An Apollo Justice Crystal Case for her and an Airsoft NDS Lite case for me. Pictures below!
空咳。(からせき) Karaseki. trans. Dry Cough.
So for the past few days I've been plagued with a dry cough (not a sore throat as I originally thought). And last night I donned on my scarf and hat I got about two years ago and took some random pictures. It was funny how when I showed them to my girlfriend (two slightly different pictures) she pointed out how I looked like Hamao Kyousuke and Matsushita Yuya (left and right respectively). I dunno why but hehehe. v(^-^)v
And finally, greetings to Tenimyu Seigaku 2nd Cast's Tezuka Kunimitsu, Shirota Yuu on his birthday today!!! :*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:
So for the past few days I've been plagued with a dry cough (not a sore throat as I originally thought). And last night I donned on my scarf and hat I got about two years ago and took some random pictures. It was funny how when I showed them to my girlfriend (two slightly different pictures) she pointed out how I looked like Hamao Kyousuke and Matsushita Yuya (left and right respectively). I dunno why but hehehe. v(^-^)v
And finally, greetings to Tenimyu Seigaku 2nd Cast's Tezuka Kunimitsu, Shirota Yuu on his birthday today!!! :*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:
メリークリスマス~(めりいくりすます~)Merii Kurisumasu~ trans. Merry Christmas~
Happy Holidays! Christmas Day has finally come and with it comes a little stack of presents that result from the preliminary Christmas Wish Lists to Christmas Shopping to Christmas Eve Celebrations! Last night was just as fun-filled as the last, with the youngest member of the extended family, my 5-year old nephew Tristan taking the 'stage' and freestyle/robot-dancing to the sounds of Daft Punk!
Included here today are a few pictures I took with my newly installed YouCam4 program on my laptop, (finally) revamped to OS Windows7 and Ubuntu 10.10! ^o^/ Accomplishment!
We'll be celebrating Christmas Day dinner here again at the house so hooray for more bonding. But hopefully I get to see Kai soon during this Christmas break to hand her her gifts!
Happy Holidays! Christmas Day has finally come and with it comes a little stack of presents that result from the preliminary Christmas Wish Lists to Christmas Shopping to Christmas Eve Celebrations! Last night was just as fun-filled as the last, with the youngest member of the extended family, my 5-year old nephew Tristan taking the 'stage' and freestyle/robot-dancing to the sounds of Daft Punk!
Included here today are a few pictures I took with my newly installed YouCam4 program on my laptop, (finally) revamped to OS Windows7 and Ubuntu 10.10! ^o^/ Accomplishment!
L: Collared shirt from Auntie Joji
R: Violet shirt from Uncle Noel and Auntie Shirley
L: Mousepad from Cousin Jois
R: Stationaries from Auntie Cynthia
L: Scooby Doo Tumbler from Cousin Troy
R: Eco Cup from Cousin Jerbux
L: Smiley Eraser from Cousin Trina
R: Hand Spray from Cousins Travis and family
L: Like Button from my sister Tracy
R: Magic Twisty from Cousins Ria and Abel
L: Death Note Manga Volume 8 from Auntie Shiony and family
R: 500GB WD My Passport External from Mom and Dad
As you may notice there're some pictures with squiggles and such; and that is thanks to my YouCam's new feature of drawing before taking a picture. The picture up top too. xD
ダレンのモールショー。(だれんのもおるしょう) Daren no Mōru Shō. trans. Darren's Mall Show.
So anyway, on to the topic at hand!! After heading to school to make some final adjustments to the pair project, I headed off to TriNoma at around 2 o'clock to get a good enough parking spot to settle in until 7 when the concert would start. I ended up parking on the roof deck in the third row so good job to me. xDD
So anyway, I loitered around for a bit, dropped by Saizen to buy myself another supporter for my calf that was really killing me (yei everything Php85!) and then spent the rest of the time hanging around the activity center where the concert would be. After buying myself a mango shake I then ran into some friends. Finding out that there were CDs and posters being sold I went to get in line. Sadly only the first 100 to buy CDs would get stubs to get them signed by Darren after the Meet&Greet which I wasn't able to go through either so howell; still bought a copy of his EP Human. T'was only Php200 so I figured I'd give this to my girlfriend because she wasn't able to enjoy the show with me tonight! (>u<)b
Ultimately ended up meeting one of my friend's friends Rie (who I eventually spent the rest of the concert with). Darren came on-stage at around 5pm to sound-check/tune his instruments (acoustic guitar and electric piano) so everyone was making quite a fuss. The stub holders were being escorted to their seats so Rie and I were staying behind the barricades with a huge Red Vines poster UNTIL THIS LADY COMES UP AND GIVES US A-CARDHOLDER TICKETS TO THE FRONT HALF OF THE AUDIENCE WHAT THE HELL!! We were so stoked and grateful and just basically acted like a Harry and Ron pair who just got a big ass pack of Red Vines for Christmas! So we scooted on over to the side entrance and got it, but our sign was taken away so boo them. But hey WE GOT IN!!
The concert started at a little past 7pm and lasted for about an hour. Darren was on a roll with song after song! He sang 17 songs~
-I'll Make a Man Out of You
-Part of Your World
-Hey Soul Sister
-Granger Danger
-Good ol' Moon
-Don't You
-No Way
-The Coolest Girl
-Go the Distance/-Somewhere Over the Rainbow
-Not Alone
-Gotta Get Back to Hogwarts
-Teenage Dream
-Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
If I forgot songs I apologize. I'll edit stuff if needed later on.Pictures (decent blurry ones anyway) to follow as well. Pictures are up!
T'was a fun fun night, but I'm kinda sad that I wasn't able to spend it with Kai. T^T Next time!!! Didn't stay for the entire duration of the Meet&Greet+CD/Poster Signing since it was getting late and I didn't exactly have the luxury to magically get a stub. I'm just grateful to have gotten a seat to watch him closer than I originally expected.
So anyway, on to the topic at hand!! After heading to school to make some final adjustments to the pair project, I headed off to TriNoma at around 2 o'clock to get a good enough parking spot to settle in until 7 when the concert would start. I ended up parking on the roof deck in the third row so good job to me. xDD
So anyway, I loitered around for a bit, dropped by Saizen to buy myself another supporter for my calf that was really killing me (yei everything Php85!) and then spent the rest of the time hanging around the activity center where the concert would be. After buying myself a mango shake I then ran into some friends. Finding out that there were CDs and posters being sold I went to get in line. Sadly only the first 100 to buy CDs would get stubs to get them signed by Darren after the Meet&Greet which I wasn't able to go through either so howell; still bought a copy of his EP Human. T'was only Php200 so I figured I'd give this to my girlfriend because she wasn't able to enjoy the show with me tonight! (>u<)b
Ultimately ended up meeting one of my friend's friends Rie (who I eventually spent the rest of the concert with). Darren came on-stage at around 5pm to sound-check/tune his instruments (acoustic guitar and electric piano) so everyone was making quite a fuss. The stub holders were being escorted to their seats so Rie and I were staying behind the barricades with a huge Red Vines poster UNTIL THIS LADY COMES UP AND GIVES US A-CARDHOLDER TICKETS TO THE FRONT HALF OF THE AUDIENCE WHAT THE HELL!! We were so stoked and grateful and just basically acted like a Harry and Ron pair who just got a big ass pack of Red Vines for Christmas! So we scooted on over to the side entrance and got it, but our sign was taken away so boo them. But hey WE GOT IN!!
The concert started at a little past 7pm and lasted for about an hour. Darren was on a roll with song after song! He sang 17 songs~
-I'll Make a Man Out of You
-Part of Your World
-Hey Soul Sister
-Granger Danger
-Good ol' Moon
-Don't You
-No Way
-The Coolest Girl
-Go the Distance/-Somewhere Over the Rainbow
-Not Alone
-Gotta Get Back to Hogwarts
-Teenage Dream
-Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
If I forgot songs I apologize. I'll edit stuff if needed later on.
T'was a fun fun night, but I'm kinda sad that I wasn't able to spend it with Kai. T^T Next time!!! Didn't stay for the entire duration of the Meet&Greet+CD/Poster Signing since it was getting late and I didn't exactly have the luxury to magically get a stub. I'm just grateful to have gotten a seat to watch him closer than I originally expected.
銀行システム。(ぎんこうしすてむ)Ginkō shisutemu. trans. Bank System.
Pair project to be finished by tomorrow evening. We're almost there but still a long ways to go. I can't believe it takes most of the day to decipher specs and get code to run. Oh Java why must you be so picky. Dx
Oh well, TC and I are doing swell. Discovered something awesome after a day's work so we hope to finish in time for submission! We'll do our best!
Tomorrow Darren Criss will be taking the stage at the TriNoma Activity Center and I'm hoping to go and see him even if I don't have a seat to enjoy it. Hope Kai gets better too!!!
Pair project to be finished by tomorrow evening. We're almost there but still a long ways to go. I can't believe it takes most of the day to decipher specs and get code to run. Oh Java why must you be so picky. Dx
Oh well, TC and I are doing swell. Discovered something awesome after a day's work so we hope to finish in time for submission! We'll do our best!
Tomorrow Darren Criss will be taking the stage at the TriNoma Activity Center and I'm hoping to go and see him even if I don't have a seat to enjoy it. Hope Kai gets better too!!!
コーヒーショップ日曜日で。(こうひいしょっぷにちようびで) Kōhī Shoppu Nichiyōbi de. trans. Sunday at the Coffee Shop.
It's been a while since I've went out of the house on a Sunday afternoon. Spending time at a mall no less.
But my reasons for coming were simple, but sadly didn't carry out. I was hoping to score seats to Darren Criss' concert here in TriNoma on Wednesday but it was already sold out. Well since the concert is still open to the public like Taylor Hicks' was two years ago then I suppose there's no harm in watching while still standing. Haha. We'll see we'll see.
Ah, I knew I forget something! Dx I'll go and locate the Japanese store Kai was looking for and see if I can get her a notepad of that paper once my laptop fully charges. In the meantime I'm watching Grand Prix 39 of Engine Sentai Go-Onger! ^o^/
ロックバンド大会。(ろっくばんどたいかい) Rokku Bando Taikai. trans. Rock Band Tournament.
Today marks the end of my school's home org week, and with this last day is the Rock Band Tournament me and my blockmates Lev, TC and Gabby joined in. And it was a pretty easy win but we could have scored higher. We blame the drum pedal for dying on Gabby.
But hey we won! ヽ(*・ω・)人(・ω・*)ノヽ(*・ω・)人(・ω・*)ノ Free geek shirts for us!!!
Today marks the end of my school's home org week, and with this last day is the Rock Band Tournament me and my blockmates Lev, TC and Gabby joined in. And it was a pretty easy win but we could have scored higher. We blame the drum pedal for dying on Gabby.
But hey we won! ヽ(*・ω・)人(・ω・*)ノヽ(*・ω・)人(・ω・*)ノ Free geek shirts for us!!!
珍味#12。(ちんみ#12)Chinmi #12. trans. Tidbit #12.
Earlier this morning I went up to brush my teeth. My mom was in their dressing room putting on make-up and I randomly began browsing my dad's schedule that he prints out every year to list down his flights, breaks and whatnot from work. I spotted something amiss.
"....Why is my birthday on a Tuesday when it was a Wednesday this year...?"
Upon closer inspection I noticed the first mistake: May 1st and 2nd were both Mondays, but that technically was just a minor problem. The BIG problem came with June where it jumped back in time to Monday, moving everything until the end of the year two days back!!
"Oh, no woooooonder." xDD
Told Dad about it and we all had a nice little laugh about it.
Earlier this morning I went up to brush my teeth. My mom was in their dressing room putting on make-up and I randomly began browsing my dad's schedule that he prints out every year to list down his flights, breaks and whatnot from work. I spotted something amiss.
"....Why is my birthday on a Tuesday when it was a Wednesday this year...?"
Upon closer inspection I noticed the first mistake: May 1st and 2nd were both Mondays, but that technically was just a minor problem. The BIG problem came with June where it jumped back in time to Monday, moving everything until the end of the year two days back!!
"Oh, no woooooonder." xDD
Told Dad about it and we all had a nice little laugh about it.
Posted by
5:49 PM
引用符-01。(いにょうふ-01)In'yō fu - 01. trans. Quotes - 01.
A little new thing I'd like to add to my blog just because. Note that these quotes may not be direct quotes but the gist is there somewhere. ゚゚゚゚゚-y(^。^)。o0○
From my Philosophy professor, on how crossing a street isn't as safe as the law tries to enforce it:
A little new thing I'd like to add to my blog just because. Note that these quotes may not be direct quotes but the gist is there somewhere. ゚゚゚゚゚-y(^。^)。o0○
From my Philosophy professor, on how crossing a street isn't as safe as the law tries to enforce it:
"I mean, if I didn't put my hand up and showed my angry face, the car wouldn't have stopped." - Fr. David, December 16, 2010He was actually pretty serious when he was sharing this to us during class, hence you cue the laughter.
オタクシャツの販売。(おたくさつのはんばい) Otaku Shatsu no Hanbai. trans. Geek Shirt Sale.
So from this post you know that I'm volunteering to help out with one of the week-long projects of my org during most of my break times this week.
Today I spent some time re-folding the remaining stock of shirts~ Sorry, my OC-ness had gotten the better of me. It's fun to do anyway so in the long run I can handle doing the laundry if I really need to. xDDA picture of my finished job to follow~
Here's the picture~
So from this post you know that I'm volunteering to help out with one of the week-long projects of my org during most of my break times this week.
Today I spent some time re-folding the remaining stock of shirts~ Sorry, my OC-ness had gotten the better of me. It's fun to do anyway so in the long run I can handle doing the laundry if I really need to. xDD
Here's the picture~
珍味#11。(ちんみ#11)Chinmi #11. trans. Tidbit #11.
I have a little cat story. Yesterday I came early to my 9am Philosophy class like I usually did and found the classroom empty after two meetings of seeing it occupied prior to our class. When I had nearly settled inside on my seat I got a text saying that it was a free cut.
So I left the room and headed out to the Sec Walk. Now in my school there are cats scattered about and a white one was on one side of the walk (indicated by the o). I moved to stand on the opposite side facing the Sec Field (indicated by the x).
I have a little cat story. Yesterday I came early to my 9am Philosophy class like I usually did and found the classroom empty after two meetings of seeing it occupied prior to our class. When I had nearly settled inside on my seat I got a text saying that it was a free cut.
So I left the room and headed out to the Sec Walk. Now in my school there are cats scattered about and a white one was on one side of the walk (indicated by the o). I moved to stand on the opposite side facing the Sec Field (indicated by the x).
Sec Walk
While I was forwarding the text to my groupmates I glanced down and saw the cat walk in between my legs (and nuzzled against my right leg too), around my right foot and settled back against my left heel. And the whole time I was:
O.O ..... "Okay cat... good job."
Hooray for cats xD
Posted by
12:41 PM
アテネオのコンピュータ学会週間。(アテネおのこんぴゅうたがっかいしゅうかん) Ateneo no Konpyūta Gakkai Shūkan. trans. Computer Society of the Ateneo Week.
This week is my home org's week full of IT-related stuff like the Installfest, Interactive Multimedia Exhibit, IT Forums, Geek Shirt Sale and ROFL raffle. For this year I volunteered to help out with the Geek Shirt Sale during some of my break times throughout the week. Today is day 2 and I bought myself two shirt designs~ (°∀°)b
Pictures of said Geek Shirts to follow when I get home.
EDIT: Here's a picture of the shirts I bought~ Both designs were done by my fellow batchmates Lev and Leland! I should really consider designing my own Geek Shirt for next year. Ahaha.
In other news I added more hours to my volunteer work because my 9am Philosophy class was a free cut, but that means I have to come to school again on Saturday for a make-up class. (°д°;) Well... at least it'll be the last meeting of the year so good job.
This Friday POMSTARS will be rocking the CompSAt Week Rock Band Tournament after a whole year.
This week is my home org's week full of IT-related stuff like the Installfest, Interactive Multimedia Exhibit, IT Forums, Geek Shirt Sale and ROFL raffle. For this year I volunteered to help out with the Geek Shirt Sale during some of my break times throughout the week. Today is day 2 and I bought myself two shirt designs~ (°∀°)b
EDIT: Here's a picture of the shirts I bought~ Both designs were done by my fellow batchmates Lev and Leland! I should really consider designing my own Geek Shirt for next year. Ahaha.
In other news I added more hours to my volunteer work because my 9am Philosophy class was a free cut, but that means I have to come to school again on Saturday for a make-up class. (°д°;) Well... at least it'll be the last meeting of the year so good job.
This Friday POMSTARS will be rocking the CompSAt Week Rock Band Tournament after a whole year.
死のゲームパーク。(しのげえむぱあく)Shi no Gēmu Pāku. trans.Death Game Park
"Death Game Park" is an action thriller reminiscent of Kinji Fukasaku's "Battle Royale." A group of young adults have been forced to participate in a "death game" for an unknown purpose. Unable to call for help, they have to muster their strength in order to survive and find a way to escape. (from Wikipedia)
Tokunaga Shoudai : Matsuzaka Tori (aka Shinken Red of Samurai Sentai Shinkenger)
Iwai Daigo : Inoue Masahiro (aka Kamen Rider Decade; Atobe Keigo of Tenimyu Hyoutei Cast B, Imperial Presence Hyoutei)
Kaitou Kuronoke : Kato Keisuke (aka Kamen Rider IXA)
Kakitani Masao: Ishiguro Hideo (aka Kai of Kamen Rider Den-O)
Endou Ryouko : Mano Erina
Just finished watching it last night. Watched the first episode off YouTube some months ago and wondered when the next episode would be uploaded, but it never did. But as I was looking through TV-Nihon's vault of series, I stumbled upon the complete series of this titular thriller and came right down to getting it. And if there's one thing that's intrigued me, it's dramas that make you THINK.w川・o・川w It's full of action and headaches but epic epic action too.
:゙;`;:゙;`;・o(ロ≦〃) EPIC SHINKEN RED TOO ZOMG!
I totally recommend watching this!
![]() |
Clockwise from upper right: Tokunaga Shoudai, Kakitani Masao, Endou Ryouko, Kaitou Kuronoku & Iwai Daigo |
"Death Game Park" is an action thriller reminiscent of Kinji Fukasaku's "Battle Royale." A group of young adults have been forced to participate in a "death game" for an unknown purpose. Unable to call for help, they have to muster their strength in order to survive and find a way to escape. (from Wikipedia)
Tokunaga Shoudai : Matsuzaka Tori (aka Shinken Red of Samurai Sentai Shinkenger)
Iwai Daigo : Inoue Masahiro (aka Kamen Rider Decade; Atobe Keigo of Tenimyu Hyoutei Cast B, Imperial Presence Hyoutei)
Kaitou Kuronoke : Kato Keisuke (aka Kamen Rider IXA)
Kakitani Masao: Ishiguro Hideo (aka Kai of Kamen Rider Den-O)
Endou Ryouko : Mano Erina
Just finished watching it last night. Watched the first episode off YouTube some months ago and wondered when the next episode would be uploaded, but it never did. But as I was looking through TV-Nihon's vault of series, I stumbled upon the complete series of this titular thriller and came right down to getting it. And if there's one thing that's intrigued me, it's dramas that make you THINK.w川・o・川w It's full of action and headaches but epic epic action too.
:゙;`;:゙;`;・o(ロ≦〃) EPIC SHINKEN RED TOO ZOMG!
I totally recommend watching this!
One of the few times I don't need a translation for my titles. Haha. (/ω\)
Anyway, a simple topic this time around. Yup, you guessed it! MANGA! :*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:
Here's my stash of English-translated manga. It's not all that of a collection yet but we're slowly getting there. After all, manga like this are quite pricey (dependent on the series), ranging from about Php300-700 but it's nice to have a few at hand to read back on.
You'll realize two things with this picture:
1. I have two copies of Death Note Volume 2 and
2. I'm 3 volumes away from completing Death Note
One of the two copies is still in its plastic to be kept in mint condition just because. It was a gift from Kai so go figure. Plus it depicts the first time L shows himself to the task force so double coolness! (*゜▽゜ノノ゛☆
Note that I didn't get all these locally in the Philippines (like the Saiyuki and Naruto manga) nor with my own allowance/savings. A lot of these were gifts (or bought with gift money), to which I'm grateful for. Special attention to the Ace Attorney manga there on the far right which you may remember from this post.
And yes, I have 2 volumes of Junjou Romantica! Ah the yaoi~ (☆。☆) Hopefully I can increase this collection soon. Priority this time around is completing my Death Note manga set!!
ゲームの進行状況。(げえむのしんこうじょうきょう)Gēmu no Shinkō Jōkyō. trans. Game Progress.
So I'm starting the Trial Latter portion of the last case of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Turnabout Succession. And thus far I've been convinced that the game is a standalone on its own for the fact that it closes the book quite neatly from start to finish in terms of cases, of course.
So I'm starting the Trial Latter portion of the last case of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Turnabout Succession. And thus far I've been convinced that the game is a standalone on its own for the fact that it closes the book quite neatly from start to finish in terms of cases, of course.
誕生日。(たんじょうび)Tanjō-bi. trans. Birthdays.
The first birthday or birthday party for that matter where I didn't pull out a camera to commemorate the occasion. Don't take me wrong, of course; I'm not THAT vain. ( ̄∩ ̄# I guess it wouldn't be considered a birthday at all when not even a blowing of candles atop a cake or a singing of at least the final part of the birthday song was heard.
How depressing. ( ̄Д ̄;;
Wait, I think I do remember some people singing for me so scrap off that last bit about the birthday song.
Oh well. My thanks to EVERYONE who greeted and everyone who actually remembered without being prompted.
In other news, this entry was initially composed while sitting alone in a table at JSEC (JGSOM Student Enterprise Center) listening to my iPod, reminding me of someone's birthday. From the Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider The Movie: Cho-Den-O Trilogy Episode Blue!
Current Track Playing: Double Action Strike form by Sakurada Doori & Ono Daisuke
I am speechless beyond words. Doori's singing voice has evolved to greater heights. Ono Daisuke is just as awesome as he always is.
So today I want to wish Tenimyu Seigaku 3rd Cast's Echizen Ryouma, Sakurada Doori a happy birthday!
In other news, I'm currently in the third case of the fourth Ace Attorney game, Apollo Justice entitled 'Turnabout Serenade', revolving around the murder of someone during the Gavinners' concert led by Klaviar Gavin, Apollo Justice's rival prosecutor. So much hints of this KlaviPolly pairing, mmmmmm~ (●´ω`●)ゞ
The first birthday or birthday party for that matter where I didn't pull out a camera to commemorate the occasion. Don't take me wrong, of course; I'm not THAT vain. ( ̄∩ ̄# I guess it wouldn't be considered a birthday at all when not even a blowing of candles atop a cake or a singing of at least the final part of the birthday song was heard.
How depressing. ( ̄Д ̄;;
Wait, I think I do remember some people singing for me so scrap off that last bit about the birthday song.
Oh well. My thanks to EVERYONE who greeted and everyone who actually remembered without being prompted.
In other news, this entry was initially composed while sitting alone in a table at JSEC (JGSOM Student Enterprise Center) listening to my iPod, reminding me of someone's birthday. From the Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider The Movie: Cho-Den-O Trilogy Episode Blue!
Current Track Playing: Double Action Strike form by Sakurada Doori & Ono Daisuke
I am speechless beyond words. Doori's singing voice has evolved to greater heights. Ono Daisuke is just as awesome as he always is.
So today I want to wish Tenimyu Seigaku 3rd Cast's Echizen Ryouma, Sakurada Doori a happy birthday!
In other news, I'm currently in the third case of the fourth Ace Attorney game, Apollo Justice entitled 'Turnabout Serenade', revolving around the murder of someone during the Gavinners' concert led by Klaviar Gavin, Apollo Justice's rival prosecutor. So much hints of this KlaviPolly pairing, mmmmmm~ (●´ω`●)ゞ
フィリップ、君を愛してる。(ふぃりっぷ、きみをあいしてる)Firippu, kimi-o aishiteru. trans. I Love You, Phillip Morris.
Coming to Philippine theaters March 24, 2010 (according to IMDB), this true life story of gay conman Steven Russell (played by Jim Carrey) who falls in love with an inmate named Phillip Morris (played by Ewan McGregor). If you want a synopsis, google it if you wanna spoil yourself. (・・;)
I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS!!! ☆-( ^-゚)v
Coming to Philippine theaters March 24, 2010 (according to IMDB), this true life story of gay conman Steven Russell (played by Jim Carrey) who falls in love with an inmate named Phillip Morris (played by Ewan McGregor). If you want a synopsis, google it if you wanna spoil yourself. (・・;)
I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS!!! ☆-( ^-゚)v
夕食のお祝い。(ゆうしょくのおいわい)Yūshoku no oiwai. trans. Dinner Celebrations.
Spent the afternoon with Kai where we had an afternoon snack of sushi at our usual Teriyaki Boy restaurant. The salmon was heavenly. (≡^∇^≡) Yeah, fresh rolls and sashimi is always the yummiest~
Later tonight my family and I will be heading out to dinner to celebrate not my birthday but as a congratulatory dinner for my brother Trevor, who passed the Electronics Engineering Board Exam!! So kudos to him!
Spent the afternoon with Kai where we had an afternoon snack of sushi at our usual Teriyaki Boy restaurant. The salmon was heavenly. (≡^∇^≡) Yeah, fresh rolls and sashimi is always the yummiest~
Later tonight my family and I will be heading out to dinner to celebrate not my birthday but as a congratulatory dinner for my brother Trevor, who passed the Electronics Engineering Board Exam!! So kudos to him!
20歳. 20-Sai.trans. 20 Years Old.
Happy birthday to me~ And so I reach 2 decades of my life. And thus far it proves to be a subtle brand of celebration with various greetings via personal, thru text, Facebook or Plurk. Thanks to those who greeted so far, and thanks in advance to those who still would later on! o(^▽^)o
I'll be having a little lunch party with my relatives this weekend on Sunday to celebrate the occasion, so there's not much more I can really say at the moment besides this.(o^-')b
Oo。。( ̄¬ ̄*) I shall relax a bit before I go and have dinner with Kai later tonight~
Jya~ ☆-( ^-゚)v
I'll probably add a picture to this post later on. x)
Happy birthday to me~ And so I reach 2 decades of my life. And thus far it proves to be a subtle brand of celebration with various greetings via personal, thru text, Facebook or Plurk. Thanks to those who greeted so far, and thanks in advance to those who still would later on! o(^▽^)o
I'll be having a little lunch party with my relatives this weekend on Sunday to celebrate the occasion, so there's not much more I can really say at the moment besides this.(o^-')b
Oo。。( ̄¬ ̄*) I shall relax a bit before I go and have dinner with Kai later tonight~
Jya~ ☆-( ^-゚)v
I'll probably add a picture to this post later on. x)
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