After knowingly digging up some information about
Castle (
this post), we found out that the Nikki Heat novels that Richard Castle writes in the course of the seasons was published by
Hyperion to give the show more publicity. Of course, while the author remains as Richard Castle, the books were penned by a ghost writer to retain the scope of the show. Much as luck would have it, I wanted to get my hands on these books and have an excuse to read something on paper than on screen, just to give my eyes the needed rest from staring into my iTouch the rest of the time. And didn't luck shine down on me when we passed by Fully Booked after our eventful afternoon of visiting churches did I find these two in the shelves and in stock. Sadly, the third book,
Heat Rises, wasn't part of it, but I'd settle for these to keep me happy and preoccupied.
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