My views on a family are as follows:
-provide you with LOVE and CARE
-provide you with the basic necessities life has to offer: food, clothes, home, education
-be willing to support and believe you no matter what
-learn to overlook any flaws you have
-be understanding in all your decisions
-be willing to listen to your problems and, if possible, help you with them
-allow you to make your own decision on how you want to live your life without dictation
Sometimes I wonder why all families can't be like this. Why do some have to be so difficult? Whether it would be because of traditional reasons or otherwise, I know this much: Love starts from the family. And if that's the case, then the relationships we enter into are created from the love we receive from our own family before going to make a family of our own to continue that cycle. So even if we feel that our family has stopped loving us.... as long as we know that our significant other still loves us, then that is enough for us to continue living.... to continue making that love grow and burn even stronger than ever before.
I'll end with an excerpt of the TeniMyu fanfic that Kai and I are writing, where I had Shirota talk about his family values to Aiba's family.
"The reason I came here today... is because I believe that every family should maintain a bond despite the barriers between them," Shirota told them. "Every person should be given the opportunity to decide their future, and their family members should be there to provide the support, not hinder them from achieving what they truly desire." (Mitsukaru High, Chapter 7: Of Fights and Family Issues)
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