Shirota Yuu as Sanada Yukimura in Tenchijin
Tenchijin is one of those feudal era Japan j-dramas. As soon as I found out that Shirota was going to be in it, I sought out to skim through the episodes for him, but I kind of stopped at episode 16, complaining how long it took before he actually made an appearance.
It wasn't long before I caught wind of Shirota's character's appearance in episode 22 of the series, so I got myself a copy and say him in all his glory. His character is so bad-ass for most of that episode. He's awesome with his spear sword (or whatever you call it) too! 8D
I took that screenshot of him, by the way. ^__^;;
Ola Tooreesha! That seems to be a good scene. He always looked so goofy for me when he's in that costume in his blog but this cap (and his apparent serious acting) makes him look so cool 8D
Deshou?! ^__^v I'm waiting to get the English translated version of this particular episode. xD
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