Finally Resolved

on Saturday, July 4, 2009
While it's not yet actually confirmed, I think it's safe to assume that things have finally settled down and we can all breath a sigh of relief. ^___________________________^

Five months ago, I got to befriend someone who I learned shared quite a few things in common with me. We conversed day-to-day and became close; as close as a father and his son. Things were good back then (I describe him a bit more in my first post here).

"Being genuinely happy with the situation... was all I ever felt. Not once did I consider the possibility that everything that was happening was just for show. I poured my heart out. I was honest with my feelings... My heart was at ease knowing that I had someone I could depend on. Whenever I was depressed, I would let him in and allow him to help me get through what was troubling me.

Day by day, that was our routine. We would chat for hours at a time every single day and would complain if we weren't allowed that time together. It was something I would look forward to, and not once did I regret it throughout that whole period. I acted as a son would to his father." (an excerpt form my first post)

This past month, he was the same person trying to take my girlfriend away. The drastic shift was, to say, shocking. I was more than prepared to say how much I now hated him for everything he's done to ruin my relationship with Kai.

However, it wasn't until an hour ago did everything finally come into place and explained everything. I'm forever grateful to our friend Luise for the information, and for helping us talk some sense into him to make him realize everything and take action.

Now I understand why he was acting the way he was; why he made some decisions, and set up certain scenarios to take pace. I guess all he needed was the right wake up call to realize that he should stop living in the past and open his eyes to the world around him; that there was someone nearby who loved him still after all these years. ^___________^ I have more than enough reason to forgive him for most everything he did now because of this enlightenment.

So... in the long run... I was right not to lose faith in him after all. ^_______________________^v

With this issue finally put to rest, Kai and I can look forward to our 8th monthsary without worry.


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