Counting to 12

on Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Somehow I wonder a year is really about to pass. The frequent hours I spend in my job testing games (the misconception is still thrust in there somewhere) has accumulated to 11 months and counting. Before I know it, May 2 arrives and I'm back at square one, with a year of experience under my belt. Around this time, I start looking back on the months that were, and wonder if I did everything I set out to do before I reached the 1 year mark.

My first job at Anino Games is turning out to be well worth the decision. I have a blast coming to work everyday, despite having to wake up super early than I would prefer. I get to chat up with old and new friends, at times working alongside them on the projects I get assigned to. I learn new things as more days fly by, and in turn I teach what I know to those who need to know. I work my "Excel magic" where applicable and help out in the processes wherever applicable, which is always a great feeling.

I guess I can give myself a pat on the back for the great evaluations that made me a regular last November, but I also have to thank the people around me for inspiring me to always be at my best to keep my neck over water. Here's to a few more years testing games and (hopefully) climbing the career ladder in time!


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