Anino Playlab

on Monday, September 22, 2014
I haven't really talked about work much, but if you've even been following me on my Instagram, you'd know that quite a few things have changed since the last time back in May. Well, I had to wait until August before I could freely mention it, and then the month just swept under the rug quite quickly.

Anyway, Anino Games was acquired by Pocket Playlab when July hit, and since then, our studio has been able to now focus on making something close to our own games. It was a good time for the company, mostly because it was a lot of new beginnings, and steering in a direction where a lot of change was expected. One of the biggest happy changes I personally felt was the expansion of the QA team, and my reinstatement as a lead QA rather than having to worry about the company's products and analytics as Product Manager.

While up until now this is still being worked on, I'm seeing potential for growth finally coming to fruition. I'm looking forward to the rest of 2014 career-wise! :)


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