My New Gadgets

on Monday, September 7, 2009
It won't be very often, but there'll be times when you'll be seeing my face on my own blog posts. Such of course, would be for this occasion, when I introduce you all to my two new gadgets: Daisuke and Yuu. I actually already introduced you all to my phone Daisuke in my previous post, but might as well, give you guys a visual. So yes, my blue sliding Nokia 2680. :3 And then of course there's Yuu, my blue iPod Nano 4th Gen Chromatic 8GB. This was something I wanted to purchase with the money I acquired from my grandfather, so I'm glad my dad was able to find a reasonable price and get it. ^________________^v

Also, I got a haircut as well. Personally, I'm seeing my old Kyouya look, so I'll have time to grow my silly bedhair back to get that Tezuka/Daisuke look. xD


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