It won't be very often, but there'll be times when you'll be seeing my face on my own blog posts. Such of course, would be for this occasion, when I introduce you all to my two new gadgets: Daisuke and Yuu. I actually already introduced you all to my phone Daisuke in my previous post, but might as well, give you guys a visual. So yes, my blue sliding Nokia 2680. :3 And then of course there's Yuu, my blue iPod Nano 4th Gen Chromatic 8GB. This was something I wanted to purchase with the money I acquired from my grandfather, so I'm glad my dad was able to find a reasonable price and get it. ^________________^v
Also, I got a haircut as well. Personally, I'm seeing my old Kyouya look, so I'll have time to grow my silly bedhair back to get that Tezuka/Daisuke look. xD
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