Maybe I should start trying to do that again. Make this blog as active as I could. Take some pictures here and there. ^__^ (I was inspired by the J-Actor blogs I've been following xD)
Starting right now.
Earlier the second power out happened. It's such a pain because it cuts off the conversations I have with Kai and some of my Japanese friends. Today I was chatting with Yukio. He was telling me to sleep early (he and his friends care for us that much ^^b), and I was trying to make plans with Kai for tomorrow. But the power out happened, so I wasn't really able to finish conversation with either of them. *le sigh* These power outs come in the most uncanny timing. In the middle of the night.
In two days my siblings will be having their graduation party.... and I still haven't the faintest idea of what I'm wearing to the event. What's my desired profession, anyway? Does it even have a particular type of clothing? I have no idea. Hopefully I'll think of something before Sunday. In line with that, my mom told me to prepare something to say. So I was thinking of doing that now but my brain is starting to give me a massive headache to think straight so I'll probably postpone that to tomorrow.
Procrastination must run in the family.
Here's to hoping Kai and I get to go out and watch Iron Man 2 tomorrow. ^^
(Good night~)
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