Schoolwork and Whatnot

on Wednesday, September 1, 2010
学業とその他もろもろ。(がくぎょうとそのたもろもろ)Gakugyou to sonota moromoro.trans. Schoolwork and whatnot.

New month, new concept. Now that it's September, I decided to change my titles back to English but still kept the Japanese translation at the start of every entry as I've done previously. Yei~

I apologize for being unable to blog about anything these past few days. I spent the weekend composing my part and compiling my group's Philosophy paper. I had to stay up until about 3 in the morning of Tuesday to read through everything, fix the footnotes and appendix that I had on hand and print the 51 pages of the paper. I ended up having to bother one of my other groupmates to print the appendix since it was full of pictures. I sure hope it was worth my staying up late. ~o~

The requirements are really starting to plummet down as October draws nearer. The end of the semester is coming in a month's time and I can already feel the heavy workload. Thankfully, I have my girlfriend to keep me overall happy and I can prioritize schoolwork whenever necessary. Yei~

If you may recall from a previous post of mine (Koneko to Gemu) I was playing Pokemon Platinum on my DS. Recently I've fished out a number of other games I've been wanting to try and I find myself hooked on Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Picross DS these days. Sadly I still haven't been able to defeat Cynthia the Pokemon Champion so that's kinda why I've put Platinum on hold. Plus I've started playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time. I sourly miss my Red Rescue Team for the GBA; I was already so far into the game I don't know where the cartridge went! DDDDD8

Oh if only I had all the time in the world I would play all day. *sigh*


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