お土産の話再び。(おみやげのはなしふたたび)Omiyage no Hanashi Futatabi. trans. A Talk of Souvenirs Again.
And I return in the evening to discuss the souvenirs from abroad. I didn't really take pictures of all of them (well, I did sans the many pairs of socks and shirts) to share, but here we go!
First to note is that my mom managed to get me the two things I asked for: the Chucks (though not the original red I wanted but awesome all the same!) and the watch!

Next to note are other bonus stuffs I received! I got two hats, one Death Note and one woolly hat for those cold chilly days/nights. I am slowly becoming accustomed to wearing hats (again) because of this new line of stuff. Cheers to variety! Very slowly I am increasing my hat collection. I think I need a new rack to hang all of them. xDD

My siblings had the opportunity to go to the Comic Con in San Diego while they were there, and my sister was kind enough to get me a Star Wars Storm Trooper plushie!! Hoorah for Star Wars! ^o^/

And then of course there's this nifty new wallet I snagged. No offense to my Death Note themed one but it was a nice wallet to pass up. @u@ Hee~

As you may notice, even the shirt I have on is new! Hoorah for new things.
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