
on Monday, June 7, 2010
評判。(ひょうばん)Hyouban. trans. Reputation.

Some random entry this time around. For lack of a topic to talk about, I turn to reputations. You never truly know how far your name has gone and who knows who you are and what exactly it is that strikes them about you until someone points it out to you. Sometimes it takes connections, other times just sheer luck, or ultimately, out of your own efforts to build a reputation.

Most of the time, we just end up surprised, I'd say. There can be so little opportunities to make yourself known to those you find near impossible to reach (the famous people you admire, for example) that sometimes they just come and go without you really noticing. When we grasp that opportunity and do make something out of it and be recognized, then I say that's a life worth living.



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