Oo Ame

on Saturday, June 5, 2010
大雨。(おおあめ)Oo Ame. trans. Heavy Rain.

We've entered the season of rainfall here in our tropical country, but rain never stays too long. There are incidents like yesterday when parts of the country experience a heavy downpour of rain for a few minutes before the skies clear up.

That's a bit like what happened to me yesterday. The wind was breezy and sky was grey. Rain was sure to pour sometime soon but waited until just the right moment - when I was getting down the first jeep to the second jeep home. And while on the road of that second jeepney ride, the rain stopped.

Doesn't give you a glimpse of how Ondoy was, but rain heavy or not is rain nonetheless. At least now our grass can grow happily with this now. xP


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